About Lee Cheng
Lee Cheng was Chief Legal Officer of Newegg Inc. Cheng received his SB from Harvard University and his JD from the University of California, Berkley - School of Law. Cheng is no stranger to patent trolls (his nickname at Newegg Inc was "chief troll hunter") and has been an outspoken force to deal with. Patent trolls rely on the fact that the majority of the businesses they sue will end up settling. This was not the case with Cheng and Newegg. Cheng refused to settle and fought all the way to the way to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit . One of the patents that Newegg was sued for was "Storing Customer Contacts in Memory." In October 2016 Cheng made the decision to leave the online retailer and take on the his new role of COO of Nashville-based guitar manufacturer Gibson Brands Inc.